Social networking sites like, or offer an interesting alternative to karaoke downloads.
It is a natural assumption that where there is the internet, there is free everything. Unfortunately, the market selling karaoke downloads is still pretty hot and you are not likely to find any sites offering free karaoke MP3 files.
You may be able to find some downloads on peer-to-peer applications like LimeWire or BearShare; however, these sites are growing increasingly more unreliable and havens for computer viruses. Newsgroups like may have online karaoke files for download, although these sites are fairly limited in their offerings.
IRC file sharing channels like are popular ways of getting downloads because of the vast amount of accessible content, although it is technically illegal to share content this way, it may leave your computer vulnerable to hackers and it isn't user friendly.
One of the most popular sources for karaoke MP3 files is, where you can search over 10,000 karaoke songs. Some of the top artists searched on the site include Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Sugarland, Rihanna, Celine Dion, Johnny Cash, Abba, Journey, Elvis Presley, Miley Cyrus, The Beatles, Carrie Underwood and Frank Sinatra.
Users generally search by a specific artist that they are looking for or by the label, such as All Star Karaoke, Chartbuster, Disney, Forever Hits, Pop Hits Monthly or Sound Choice. You can also buy CD G and regular CDs through the site as well.
To read more Finding Better Karaoke MP3 Music Files