
Blu Ray HD DVD Has Better Features

We knew it was coming. Technology would be consolidating. We just didn't know which device would become the all-in-one of choice i.e. the computer, the cell phone, the iPod, the palm pilot?

Turns out, it may come in the form of the Blu Ray HD DVD video game console hooked up to your phone through Blue Tooth technology! This summer will definitely be the "Summer of Blu Ray media," as some of the new 2.0 Blu Ray players begin showing up in stores.

NetBlender's BD Touch technology makes it possible for Blu Ray HD DVD 2.0 player owners to transfer digital copies of movies to their iPhones. Users can also catalog their Blu Ray disc collection, manage a rental que, display additional trivia, offer movie suggestions, view fan-created content, or use their phone as a controller to play interactive Blu Ray games!

The BD Touch apps are expected to be unveiled after this coming June. You may find that owning a Blu Ray HD DVD player simplifies your life and offers a variety of helpful features. As well, the "movie suggestions" feature will save you hours of senseless meandering up and down the aisles at Blockbuster!

If you're the environmentalist type, then here's one more reason why Blu Ray HD DVD discs are revolutionizing the world: green packaging! The Digital Entertainment Group awarded the Blu Ray discs with the prestigious "Best Green Packaging" award this year for using 100% recycled paper and plastic.

"We are delighted that the home entertainment community is embracing eco-friendly solutions that will help lessen the effects on climate change," explains DEG Executive Director Amy Jo Smith.

"We give particular recognition to Disney's Larry Wilk who is a crusader for embracing environmental friendly practices in the industry."

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