For this arts and crafts project, take the suede lacing and glue one end to the ring. Wrap the suede lacing around the ring until you reach the starting point again. Glue the end of the lacing to the ring and hold it in place with a clothespin until the glue dries.
To make the web, tie one end of the imitation sinew to the ring and make nine half hitch knots around the ring spacing them about 1-1/2" apart. Make the last hitch a little closer to the first knot as this prevents a large gap from forming.
Keep the thread pulled snug between the knots. Continue weaving in the same way until you have a small hole left in the center. Tie a double knot in the cord, add a tiny drop of glue to the knot and cut off remaining thread when dry.
Of all native Indian art and craft pieces, dream catchers are arguably the most beautiful. As you become more practiced at the art of weaving the web, you can begin to add beads and feathers in attractive patterns. You can also use different colored materials to suit the decor of your home.
There really is no right or wrong when it comes to arts and crafts, so go with your creative flow and do what feels right. Let your artistic side show and you'll end up with a collection of dream catchers that you and everyone else will love.
To read more Creating Your Own Dreamcatcher With Arts And Crafts