Before you pay a fee to take part in a craft show, make sure that you know the dimensions of your space, where the space is located, what's included in your fee, and when you can set up and close down. You should also be cognizant of your personal comfort.
Wear appropriate shoes, dress for the weather if the exhibition is taking place outdoors. To make purchasing your goods easier for your customers, make sure that you have small bills and coins available to make change. This is something that many vendors forget to do and it really can be annoying to potential customers.
There are many advantages to taking part in a craft show. Not only is it a chance to make extra money, but getting to be with other artistic souls can be really enjoyable. As you network, you'll find that the crafters community is one that is fun, creative and tight knit. Who knows? You may stumble upon new ideas for your special projects or even discover a new craft that you love just as much.
To read more Making Money At A Craft Show
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