
HP X280N MediaSmart Connect Is Your Gateway To The Easy Life

If you are not hip on the latest technological marvels, then an HD media player may seem like a frivolous expense. It really is not when you consider that it gives you the ability to view your media files that are stored on your computer on your television set. And that is just the performance capability of the base model. Media players such as the HP X280N MediaSmart Connect can do so much more than simply view a media file.

The HP X280N MediaSmart Connect is the gateway to the good life. You can connect to your computer via your wireless network and play all of your media files. If you want to watch a certain movie that is out but do not want to drive to rent or buy the movie, simply connect to the internet and download it directly to your media player. You also have the ability to watch Internet TV Beta, as well as watch Fox Sports lounge. If you are still not convinced, then you can also stop, rewind, fast forward and record HDTV.

So is the HP X280N MediaSmart Connect for you? That depends on two factors: your computer and your television. If you are not running Microsoft Vista on your computer then you cannot use this media player. If you do not have an HDTV you are limiting your capabilities. Sure you can still use the media player but you will not get all of the advantages.

To read more HP X280N MediaSmart Connect Is Your Gateway To The Easy Life

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