
Improving Your Body Language With A Personal Image Consultant

You meet new people on an almost daily basis and approximately 80% of their perception of you is based on your body language and your appearance; in other words you have about 30 seconds to make that "first impression" a good one.

This is one area where a personal image consultant can truly give you that needed edge in the business world. These professional consultants can show you how to make the most of what you have and how to put your best foot forward.

What do you imagine people think when they see you for the first time? That image is what a personal image consultant will work on and improve. Independent consultants are trained to take your uniqueness and put it together with a professional and updated look in order to create the best image possible.

The manner in which you shake someone's hand can indicate the amount of respect you have for the individual, as well as how confident you are. A good personal image consultant knows a handshake can express the amount of confidence you have in yourself to others in two ways.

First of all, how fast you offer your hand to the other person upon being introduced is important because if you hesitate it conveys a lack of confidence and uncertainty. Secondly, if your grip is too weak it will also give the impression that you are not sure of yourself.

On the flip side, if your grip is too firm it may give others the impression that you are egotistical and overconfident. Consultants companies know that a direct and firm handshake along with eye contact and a smile will show others that you are a confident and trustworthy person.

To read more Improving Your Body Language With A Personal Image Consultant

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