
Finding Anime Online UK For British Fans

The anime online UK situation varies widely from year to year, almost from month to month, depending on a host of factors. For a long time, even as both manga and anime were becoming extremely popular in North America, UK audiences detected only hints of this.

Manga, the Japanese style of comic book, was rarely seen in the country until sometime in 2006, and very few anime series were broadcast. The only solution, for fans of anime, was to watch anime online. And even that wasn't easy at first, until the technology caught up with the growing demand.

There had been a few paltry anime glimmers early on, such as a few series from the long anime list penetrating into kids' television in the UK. Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, One Piece and Dragon Ball Z did make an appearance, but all of those series except perhaps Dragon Ball Z were really tailored for a younger audience.

The only way fans who might have been interested in more complex or adult series could find out about them was through a few anime online UK websites that provided news.

Fortunately, the anime online UK answer to British fans' desire for this type of animation has become much easier to access since the demise of the Anime Central channel.

Video streaming and downloading technologies have advanced in leaps and bounds, and many distributors have now placed entire anime libraries online, on their own video portals or on dedicated channels in places like www.youtube.com or www.joost.com.

It has finally become possible for fans in the UK to watch free anime or even to download and own episodes for a fee. Internet streaming and downloading have finally given UK fans' pent-up desire for more anime a solution.

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