
Career In Photography And Placing Your Best Images In A Portfolio

Career in photography can only begin with knowledge and knowledge can be gained by completing a quality photography course while creating a portfolio of your best images. It is your portfolio that will give you your first photography job.

You may start in a photography studio, setting up the lights as an assistant, to pay for your photography course. By the time you graduate, you may have progressed to the photographer taking the images.

Many photographers start as an assistant to the photographer, especially if the photographer is a fantastic teacher and then progress to a professional photographer. You can do your photography course, to learn all about different aspects of photography, but you will learn a lot more, when you are an assistant working under pressure to meet deadlines.

It seems you can be an artist and create art, but to pay the bills you will have to look at where you can get a continuous source of income. You can look at the fashion industry, advertising and other numerous options. I have moved into portraiture. I have set up my own studio in a very upmarket area and I am so busy that I have had to hire more staff to meet the demand.

I can charge higher fees for work that I do, and those who want to save costs can use one of my staff photographers. I am constantly amazed with the quality of images they bring to the studio. A lot of these staff photographers have completed photography courses, before they came to my studio and I loved their portfolio.

You need a portfolio of your best images when you are looking for a career in photography.

To read more Career In Photography And Placing Your Best Images In A Portfolio

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