
Gaining New Skills With Design Schools

Does the idea of design schools include only the post-secondary institutions that concentrate solely on fashion or other types of design? Or can the concept be expanded to encompass other types of schools as well?

One high school in New York certainly assumes that fashion design programs don't need to be strictly limited to the higher echelons of education. It aims to educate its students in all aspects of the fashion world, while not shirking any of is other academic responsibilities.

This is not to say that the High School of Fashion Industries neglects the academic side of its students' education. Its fashion design programs are not a substitute for that important aspect of public schooling.

If you look at their website, they concentrate just as strongly on science and math, social studies, English and so on. This is not a school that tries to bypass what every student needs in order to function well in society. It just helps with some extra education for those students who might be eyeing design schools after high school.

If a student is keen for a career in fashion design, then this high school might be an ideal choice for them. Not only does graduation from this school give students a better chance of being accepted at good design schools, but it does so without sacrificing academics.

After all, the students will need a grounding in that sort of learning as well, to be good functioning citizens in society. This high school tries to help them achieve both their scholastic goals and their fashion goals.

To read more Gaining New Skills With Design Schools

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