
Making Money With Micro Stock Photography Agencies

Micro stock photography agencies supply images for download from their websites. Most of these images are used on websites, although some images may be used in other advertising media and materials.

For the photographer supplying these images, there is a potential source of income, although the amounts may be miniscule, compared to professional rates applicable to professional assignments.

For the amateur, hobby and beginning photographer, the potential income from a micro stock agency may be a substantial amount, especially if the images are of superior quality and are in constant demand by customers of the agency.

Once you know how to sell your images to the stock agencies, you need to know the images the agencies need, to meet their customer demand. For example, they may be looking for landscape images of a certain location.

If the location is near your area, you can go and shoot a few quality images and then present the best images to the agency. If they are accepted, you may be receiving a nice little earner over the next few years.

The hardest part, is creating the images the stock agencies are seeking, to meet the demand of their customers. If you are creating images, where they already have an oversupply, then they may reject your images, even though your images may be of superior quality.

This is why you should seek to find out the type of images the micro stock photography agencies are in dire need, before you make time and effort to shoot the required images.

In this way you will develop a reputation with the agency, as a reliable supplier of quality images and they may request more images from you, giving a potential boost to your source of income. The more of your images are placed in the stock library, the greater potential for a better source of income.

This is why, many photographers are supplying images to micro stock photography agencies.

To read more Making Money With Micro Stock Photography Agencies

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