
Sports Pictures On My Fan Wall

Sports pictures highlight the athletic prowess of an athlete on the sporting field. I do not have the time to sit for hours on end to capture that one moment where an athlete takes a glorious catch on the athletic field. This is why, I place framed sporting images on the walls of my home, taken by professional photographers of momentous sporting events in history.

These images may include athletes running in Olympic events and winning gold, capturing the best moment of a local hero in a local baseball team and many other sports events. I love seeing people putting a total effort to achieve the unachievable, capturing the moment in a crystal clear image on my wall.

A framed image of superhuman effort, is what I use to motivate myself to make my own achievements in life. When someone tells me it cannot be done, time to give up, I say it is time to make a superhuman effort to achieve the unachievable, just like the athletes in sports pictures.

After pressure from my family, I have decided to create a fan wall, of sports pictures I have taken of sporting heroes with my family members. When we go to sporting events, we like to take images with my digital camera, with some of my heroes. Most of the images are surrounded with sports picture frames and signed by the athletes themselves.

Many visitors to my home, like to look at the sports images on the wall, and ask me about the newest images. I have thousands of images, many of them in photo albums and I have put my best ones and the ones most requested by family members, up on the fan wall of my home.

I am grateful for the athletes who participate in my images, most of them know me by name, so they can trust me and know that I may include their images on my fan wall. Some of them have even come to my home, to view all my sports pictures.

To read more Sports Pictures On My Fan Wall

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