
Easy To Customize Your Apple iPhones

To call Apple iPhones a mere "cell phone" is almost an insult to the device itself. This is because even though it can still be used the same way as a basic phone, there is so much more to it.

With its revolutionary touch screen controls and the actual iPhone software itself, it was not surprising that the release of the first version in 2007 created such a stir. Once it became possible to download all sorts of extra little applications to customize one's iPhone, it was no wonder that each release that followed was greeted like some sort of divine revelation.

It was really the whole package that made this phone so spectacular. Read any iPhone 3G review, that is, a review for the version that opened the phone up to downloading extra applications, and you can see why its introduction was such a sensation.

There were other communication devices, like the Blackberry, which could be used for phoning, texting and surfing the internet, but the combination of those functions with the downloadable applications gave new Apple iPhones something extra, and lifted it out of the "cell phone" realm altogether.

The "rock star" phenomenon of the Apple iPhones has continued as the company has released three versions thus far, each one extending the device's capabilities. Initially, there was some protest over the iPhone 3G price, which could sometimes run as high as six hundred dollars.

But price reductions and the continued refinement and addition of more and more apps has kept the iPhone's popularity high. Other devices continue to match it in market dominance, but it has certainly changed the original "cell phone" concept into something much more complex and powerful.

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