
Changing Habits With Subliminal Video

Subliminal messaging has raised its head time and again since the 1950s, as a method of getting people to change their habits, and today, with the advent of desktop video production, it appears everyone and their dog is producing some sort of a subliminal video product.

The big question is though, do they actually work or are they just so much wasted time and energy? A study conducted in the 1950s by James Vicary indicated that sublimated messages have an effect on people. Yet a few years later Vicary came forward and admitted he had never conducted the experiment.

All the subliminal video manufacturers who cite this experiment in their advertisements are either ignorant, naive or are deliberately trying to mislead. Not a good start for any company trying to sell subliminal products.

Alright, so the experiment on visual subliminals that everyone refers to was a complete sham; but what about any other experiments? Over the years, there have been a whole host of scientific experiments to uncover whether subliminal messaging actually works. To be perfectly honest, the results have been hit and miss regarding this whole concept.

With the right mental attitude and positive actions, you will achieve your goals far more quickly and with better results than with any subliminal video or audio program that is offered.

It's pretty self-evident, but don't believe all of the advertising hype behind the merchandise that you read. There are still a great many people out there selling magic elixirs to the unwary.

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