
Subliminal Message Affecting Individual Behaviour

Advertisements are shown to grab your attention and compel you to purchase a product. A desire can be stimulated that only registers in your subconscious mind. A subliminal message is not always present in all advertising, and there is no way of discovering if an advertisement has a message concealed within it.

Studies have proven that such hidden messages have the ability to affect individual behaviors. In certain cases, sublimated messages have proven effective in enhancing memory. These messages can travel through a person's reasoning ability and move straight into their subconscious mind.

It can be said then that a subliminal message is a message that is delivered underneath the conscious into the subconscious. Sublimated messages are simply just visual or audio messages that are embedded into another medium so that they go unnoticed by the conscious mind.

The most powerful representation of ideas that appeals to the emotional and unconscious mind is thought to be through sublimated messaging. It is an unknowing response to a stimulus. Normal levels of thought are not enough to perceive such messages, as they are designed to seek out the subconscious mind.

Although keeping away from subliminal advertisements may not be possible, since they may pop up at any time, diverting the mind's attention to something else is perhaps the only way to keep the brain from storing a subliminal message.

There are laws that do restrict the use of these messages on television, radio and at movie theaters, yet these laws are not powerful enough to control the large advertising companies from producing such advertisements anyway.

To read more Subliminal Message Affecting Individual Behaviour

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